05 October 2011

the sun is peeking through

I am ever so exhausted on all levels.

Finally, I feel that I can breath because Lulu had a good check up at the internal medicine doc's.

While I felt I was seeing great progress, I felt so much better when all the doctors and staff's comments mirrored my own.

She is better. Lulu is an amazing little girl.

We have finally turned the corner and are on the road to recovery.


Fiona said...

OMG, Patsy, I've been off with a ruptured tendon so have only now started to sift through some of my usual reads.

How utterly frightful for both you and Lulu to have gone through this and what an incredibly brave girl she is. I'm so glad it's all going well now and the road ahead is a good one.

Thanks goodness!!!!

patsy said...

Hope you are on the mend too, my darling Fi!

So happy to have life returning to normal here with my sweet little girl.
