26 June 2007

Squares of My Life

Life continues to be its adorable roller coaster self.

Montana Man - he is really working hard at being friends, but he keeps getting our lives even more entangled. Asking me to help, to participate in a role reserved for a fiancee or wife. Our lives get further and further entangled - yes - entangled is my new word.

Harry Goldenblatt - he and I are done, burnt like bread left too long in the toaster. He was out to use me for virtually free holidays. I cannot believe how stupid he thought I was, that I would believe his ridiculous story.

Montana Man Lite - a recent addition to the cast. recently met and seems to have his act together, but as a girl who is not in town on a regular basis, I do not know if anything will happen. Maybe just a good friend.

The Southern Gentleman - what more can I say. The Southern Gentleman will be coming out to see me in a few months. He leapt at my invitation to come visit and bought a ticket within a few hours. We have always been deeply attracted to each other. This weekend could prove to be very interesting and quite enlightening.

And that is the lovely square that is my life. Work keeps burying me but hoping to have a bunch of fun in the next few weeks. Life - it's an adventure!

13 June 2007

... life is but a dream

I was at a barbecue on Saturday evening. It was lovely made wonderful by the company. I was amazed by the collection of women present. Ages ranged from late-twenties to late-thirties. We all shared a common factor – we are all single. Fabulous women, but single women. While it was great to be surrounded by my peers, women who get it, it made me wonder what else we have in common that got us to this point. I was actually an exception because I was a divorcee surrounded by never-marrieds. We were all fairly successful and own our own homes. Confidence was thick in the air. It felt good to be in that environment.

What endears me to this new city is I have met more women like me than I ever have in Mile High. Yes, I have toned down my flamboyant dressing and jewelry. While the toning down has helped in my quest for female friends, the something special I have continues to shine through. Now while I am not drop dead gorgeous, I am more attractive than the average bear. I used to shy away from that fact, but now I am learning to embrace the beauty, to appreciate myself just the way I am.

Even though I never acknowledged myself for who I was, I have always had a “like-me-or-leave-me” attitude. I had to. Girls, women never liked me due to being pretty, thin, funny, smart and as a direct result my female friends were few. My few female friends have always been women who were strong and secure. They were not intimated or jealous of me because they were content with their own lot.

However, as I grow older (yes, the ripe old age of 32 ;-) ), I am discovering more women who are in the same boat as me and a few more actually want to row with me. I am delighted in the new sisterhood I have found here. It is so much easier when you do not have to row alone.

09 June 2007

Checking In

So much going on. I have been so busy. work. life. work. life. work. work.

I need to get my butt in gear and get going for the day but thought I'd check in on the old blog.

Work. I am down in Texas and even though I am super-duper busy, I am loving it down here. Some days moving to Texas sounds appealing. Most days I have this overwhelming feeling that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I have never felt this powerful compelling emotion, feeling, knowing... I cannot quite put words to it. Honestly, I just feel that I am right on track being here... deep down in my very being. It is weird.

Love life. Less than fulfilling right now. Harry is done but I was ready for that to be done. Montana Man is done as well but you know how he always tries to keep a finger in the pot.

I am ready for a new infusion of men, that's for sure.

I bought some new clothes last weekend. A lot of size 8 items, which makes me ever so happy. I have never been a size 8.

I am happy, truly happy these days out here in Texas.

I will not be so neglectful of you little blog. Work is calming down and I can give you the proper attention once again... because bloggy, I've missed you.