24 May 2010

recap: mini-break

My mini-break.

It was wonderful. I had a fantastic time and grew to like Super Dad all the more. In fact, I was quite sad to leave his little corner of the universe. As expected the time went by too quickly and I felt more at home than anticipated.

At the top of the escalator, Super Dad was waiting for me at the main terminal. It was heavenly to see his smiling face and I was surprised at the elated feeling that coursed through me at that moment. We made our way through the maze of airport insanity and headed north toward the lake. I met his various friends from one of his circles. They were nice and welcoming. We enjoyed a casual dinner with them on the lake and then headed back toward town to Super Dad’s home.

His house was secluded and much like I pictured. His deck was painted the same color as mine, which I found odd. We relaxed in the hot tub, enjoying the calm night air. Sleeping arrangements were a shared bed where I fell asleep in his arms. Each night I slept through without waking even once. Such a lovely and welcomed change from my typical sleepless nights. Overall, I felt very much at home at Super Dad's residence.

We enjoyed grocery shopping for our special Friday night shipboard dinner. Super Dad and I went to the boat and met up with the rest of the boating crew for the party. Super Dad's friends liked me and they were funny causing me to constantly wear a smile on my face. As the evening progressed, the fun continued. As we were leaving for the evening, I was scooped up into the arms of one of his friends and carried away. I am fairly sure that Super Dad has never brought anyone on that boat that has been so warmly received.

Saturday was a lazy day and we met another set of Super Dad's friends. We rounded out Saturday evening with a lovely dinner downtown at an exclusive restaurant. Sadly, I went home and fell directly to sleep due to sheer exhaustion resulting from relaxation.

Another lazy morning and afternoon was enjoyed as Sunday continued to tick away toward my impending departure. I dreaded leaving, knowing that once I got onto that plane, I did not know when I would return. Super Dad and I had such a wonderful time together. I love the warm feeling enveloping me.

My mini-break was a success.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

*Big-ass grin here!!!!*