25 December 2007

The Grinch

Life is getting weird. Montana Man is attempting a resurgence. I must resist, no matter how fucking tired I am of being alone.

All I want for Christmas is for this to be last Christmas I spend alone.

I am 33 years old ~ the last thing I should be doing is being alone or schlepping it up to my parents to wallow in my aloneness.

I am so tired of this broken record, every holiday alone.

At what point do I say enough is enough, give up and live a partial dream?


Brighton said...

Years ago I told myself that it was better to be single and happy than married and miserable. Being with someone simply not to be alone is not the key to happiness. You deserve to be happy and life is too short to settle for less than that! Besides, once I came to that realization I met my Prince Charming ; )

patsy said...
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