20 December 2007

Just call me B.C.

It has been one hell of a week. Supposed to be holiday ~ as the world as I know it is termed 'use it or lose it' ~ however, been working this entire time. This situation directly results in me turning into one super, over the top, nasty-ass bitch. Let's simply say I am bitter, very bitter.

Moving on.

As I do not possess a fully stocked kitchen in SxSWland and I am at home for a decent clip, I decided to go all Betty Crocker. Are you sitting down? Because. I. made. cookies. As if to start with the ingredients in their natural state. And to every single solitary person who asked what I was doing and I replied "baking cookies", they all had the same answer, "Patsy? Are you sick?" Some went so far to say, "Are you fucking sick?" Yes, baking is something so non-Patsy. However, I did enjoy a few cocktails during the entire process. I mean what else is a girl supposed to do while rolling balls of cookie dough from the bowl of never ending cookie dough? 20 minutes is a long time to sit by the oven waiting patiently ~ drinks were a necessity.

I have to go upstairs and make myself pretty as I am meeting some friends for a late night happy hour. This winter stuff sucks. I find myself missing the Lone Star State's pseudo-winter.

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