03 September 2008

between the lines

life has been a bit frazzled lately. preparing mentally for holiday and getting the never ending pile of work done so i can leave in relative peace. my desk resembles fiona's pre-cleaned. simply need to ensure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed before i sail away as i do not want to leave any room for dismissal whilst i am out of sight.

i leave a week from today. my, how the month has flown by.

today i am breaking in my second pair of holiday shoes. lots of laundry shall be done this weekend as to be dressed in slacks as opposed to looking like a typical american complete with jeans and tennis shoes.

the southern gentleman is safely back in the country. somehow he misread an email i sent a few weeks ago when i was in a total panic about my upcoming holiday. the email stated that i feared i had made a huge mistake agreeing to this holiday. translated into boy terms, he read "patsy is not going on holiday" because i have now received two emails eluding to such. i suppose the southern gentleman read what he wanted to read. he said he would call tonight and at that time i will correct him because i am leery to address it via email... "where the hell did you get the idea i wasn't going?" comes across so much better in spoken word.

the piles of papers and financial penalties are beckoning me....

1 comment:

Jenn Martinson said...

I will be so sad when you leave but looking forward to the post-holiday recap over cocktails!