08 January 2009

the mailman

Yesterday I felt rather tired and beat up from this cold and/or allergy party that is going on in my body. So I left work at a decent time (5:30 PM) and headed home rather than catching cocktails with a coworker.

My evening plans were to drug up and finish the teenage vampire series once and for all. I had not slept the previous night as vampire fights were running through my head. While the pups were outside, I promptly consumed my benadryl and tylenol and headed to the post box.

By now, you should all know what I found in my post box. A card. From none other than The Southern Gentleman. It was a cute thank you card with his manly handwriting sprawling across the paper surface. He was sure to send it the day before he left for his business trip. Sweet, upbeat - all things positive.

Ah, this man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He IS a gentleman, indeed!

BTW- I think I am allergic to vegetarian food. I've been sick all week!