22 December 2008


Christmas week. already? I suppose time flies when you're having fun.

During the last week, the ticking clock has become vocal, audible, and all those yummy things that serve as reminders that I prefer not to have on my radar. You see, my full time life here in Austin could be drawing to a close. The lease is up in two months. And two months... eight weeks does not sound like a lot of time.

I have sought and received reprieves in the past. However, I fear my nine lives might be used up. But I can only ask and see what the answer is.

Each time I ask for a bit more time thinking, convincing, fooling myself that I will be ready when the end finally comes. But next month is answer time and I am filled with dread because clearly I am still not ready for anything less than an affirmative response to "shall I renew my lease?"

Will I ever be ready?

Until then, I am going continue enjoying my dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what, what, WHAT? This town will be unbearable without you, Pats!!