28 January 2013

traveling into uncharted waters

As February is rapidly approaching and my schedule has been nutty, I decided to purchase The Southern Gentleman's birthday and Valentine's Day cards over the weekend. Much time was spent wandering Hallmark trying to find the appropriate sentiments. 

There is a fine line between "you're the love of my life!" and "glad we're friends". I read millions of  cards but finally came across the right one for each occasion. I made a conscious effort to select cards that were outside my safety zone. Ringing true with more emotion and a lot more vulnerability than I am accustom to. 

Vulnerable is my new middle name. Deep down I know I need to wade in the pool of exposing myself. I need to reassure The Southern Gentleman of everything we discussed during his visit. The time has come for me to be brave and that bravery demands I leap outside my comfort zone. With The Southern Gentleman, I have learned gentle encouragement is key as opposed to a full-on assault. 

Next step in Operation Vulnerability & Bravery, signing and dropping in the post. 

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