21 August 2008

silence is anything but golden

i sent our darling southern gentleman an email on tuesday. i debated between a few different avenues of approach based on his currently deemed bergeresque post it note. options were as follows:
  • * call him on the one liner, asking WTF?
  • * pretend it never happened like an ostrich sticking its head in the ground
  • * avoid holiday talk, in fact, what holiday?
  • * rub it in that i am going on holiday
  • * take the middle of the road
after fighting with my inner vengeful scorpio heart, i decided to walk the middle of the road. it was extremely difficult to not tell him that over the past eight years he has never once sent me an email like that. but i consciously selected a different option this time because obviously my scorpio-driven tactics have not worked so well in past relationships. holiday was discussed but not dwelt upon in detail.

his responses are always quite prompt. even when the southern gentleman is on the other side of the moon. never skips a beat. typically, i am the slacker who takes her sweet time in replying. you know, have to keep a boy on his toes!

but not this time. i am only hearing crickets on the email front.

and no snail mail either.

hopefully he is either on an airplane or dead as those are the only two avenues that receive special dispensation.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

He's sulking. Silly man. I hope he uses this time to come to his senses!!