25 November 2006

Up and At 'Em

I awoke early for a Saturday, especially since I possessed a teensey hangover, because MM was dropping off the gyrls. MM had his alkie class this morning; hence, I got to hang with the gyrls.

Once again, the gyrls were ecstatic to be here. We hung out for a bit and then went out for brekkie. Had a great gyrlie breakfast and everyone was happy. A quick trip to Target to pick up a new DVD player - hey for $25, can't beat it! Then we picked up food for the houndies.

By the time we were done with our errands and on our way home, MM was waiting in the driveway. We go inside the house. The gyrls don't want to leave as they need more time playing with the houndies. Since the gyrls were busy, I asked MM to help me move the television that weight 17 million pounds. We started moving furniture around and making sense of the massive mess of cords. MM informed me that with after turkey day sales, I should take the spankin new DVD player back and get a home theatre system for a few bucks more. And he is going to go with me to make the purchase and put in together for me. Okay - wasn't expecting that one.

We load the kids in the car, DVD player to be returned in tow and off we go. MM is determined to find the best value so first is Best Buy to no avail, then on to Wally World without finding anything and finally Target once again to score a home run. $50 bucks and a good enough for me system. At Target, we ran into my pops as he was leaving - this should send mum's propeller spinning violently.

MM installed everything and it worked. So that made me happy. The gyrls were happy. The houndies were happy.

The gyrls wanted to hold my hand all the time again. It was weird running errands with them again. From the outside, the four of us looked like a family again. Only one catch, our romantic love is gone. I felt immense love toward the gyrls but not so much for their father. Mixed blessing, right? I am getting over the hurt, which is good though. I wonder what the future holds. Only one way to find out - live it!

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